Our Plants and produce

At Kaleidoscope Gardens we pride ourselves on providing healthy plants that with proper care will thrive in your home gardens. Our plants are grown from seed in our greenhouse located on the south side of Milwaukee. Our plants are grown with an organic potting mix, water, and sun… that’s it. These little babies bring us so much joy to raise and share with you.

Our produce is cultivated, harvested, and cleaned by hand. We implement good agricultural practices and proper food handling including lots of hand washing. Our produce is harvested as close to sale as possible to ensure fresh and delicious food that will last.

This season our plants will be available for preorder through April 15, 2024 to be picked up at our greenhouse space May 18th or 19th. There will be in person shopping available to preorder customers as well as to the public on those dates (May 18th and May 19th). We will also be selling plants at the Tosa Farmers Market in May and June.